Saturday, September 26, 2020

 Another plan for Ceresco 

The city of Ceresco is at one end of my U-shaped HO scale shelf layout. It's here that the Ceresco & Wolf River will interchange with the Chicago & Northwestern mainline. I like the idea of allowing for continuous running, Sometimes, you just want to sit and watch the train go around and around. My earlier plan for Ceresco didn't allow for that. This plan does. It is adapted from a plan by Rob Chant -- an HOn30 plan called the "Island of Misfit Trains." Ron's plan is 2'x7'. I flipped it end for end and added two feet to the right end to fit my 2'x9' space. Continuous running will be provided by a removable bridge across the aisle to the peninsula at Scots' Landing, at the other end of the layout. 

I welcome comments, suggestions, constructive criticism, and tasteless puns.

In this version, I've swapped a few things around. The roundhouse is less crowded and there are more industries on the right. Comments, suggestions?

I'm still looking at other layout plans for ideas and solutions, since I probably won't start building Ceresco until early 2021. Stay tuned.

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