Friday, November 25, 2022

Apollo 13 Lunar Excursion Module "Aquarius" 1/35 Scale Paper Model from the Kit designed by "Uhu02"

I built this kit several years ago, and it has won a few prizes at scale model contests. Uhu02's original kit is in 1/48 scale. I decided that a larger scale would be easier to build, so I enlarged it to 1/35 scale, which makes the model about 8½ inches tall, with a landing gear that spans 12½ inches. It is made entirely of paper except for main landing gear struts, which are wrapped around steel wire. 

The kit is a free download. The PDFs and detailed construction photos are here.

Photographing the model for submission to Fine Scale Modeler magazine, I discovered that part of the landing gear was collapsing. I spent an evening repairing and reinforcing the supporting struts with extra layers and liberal application of ACC. Paper brushed with thin ACC takes on the rigidity of plastic.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello David,

Nice model of the LEM module. But when I download part '1' I just get the first page with the numbers 1 till 8. The other 2 pages don't download, witch means that ik don't get e.g. the page with number 12 on it.

Do you know this issue?

Greetings from the Netherlands

Henk Muller
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